Sunday, February 16, 2014

Yun Qi Bamboo Forest During CNY Holiday

During the Chinese New Year holiday we went to the Yun Qi Bamboo Forest with the Williams, our next door neighbors who moved in and got here just before we flew back from Bali. We've been waiting their arrival and it's so much fun having them here! They moved here from Texas but Joel's from Florida and Kristy's from Canada. It is a blessing having them here and so much fun for all of us. Our kids run back and forth and it's definitely made the CNY holiday in Hangzhou much more exciting. Callie and Brock had over a week of school off. Their oldest, Thomas, is Dash's age and recently turned five. Charlie is three. And the twins were born a year ago October, about 16 months now-- Catherine and Elliot. We love team Williams. I know we will get VERY spoiled having them here and will have a difficult time when they leave us to move back in 18 months. It will be too quick.

This bamboo forest is a favorite place to take friends to and especially friends who have children.  It's a fun little hike and the children get to climb and run and play. We took some snacks this time and then splurged and went to Papa John's Pizza on the way home! This place is a fun destination for a little hike and picnic. I think the forest of bamboo trees is really pretty and picturesque. 

It wasn't too long before they were scaling the mountain sides and sliding down some how. 

The cable bridge.

Thomas and Charlie through the candles that are burnt for offerings at a little Buddhist temple. 

I asked Brock to hug the tree and he did it for me. Sweet boy. 

Team Williams! Charlie, Kristy, Elliot, Thomas, Catherine and Joel.

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