Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Seminyak, Bali

Body Boarding at a beach in Seminyak

We don't recommend the beaches near this area in Seminyak or maybe all of Seminyak. But we had fun there! They are just really dirty. It's a mile down from where we stayed. When I went running along the beach it was completely covered in trash up and down the entire beach front. The trash is from the people in Bali and not washed ashore from else where. And the water is really dirty. Really unfortunate. We heard some say how things have gotten dirtier in that regard. But Callie and Brock did some body boarding with Daddy while Chael napped and Dash played in the sand. 

Flap Jacks Restaurant. This place had great pancakes and waffles with ice cream. The chocolate with chocolate--VERY GOOD! It was right outside of our place at Ivory Resort. 

"Ya feel me!"

This is definitely the kind of thing I'm attracted to photograph. It just calls out to me. I love texture, color and seeing things in a new way. "Sarah makes junk look pretty." It has been said. Pretty or not I'm attracted to it! 

So I asked the fam pose for a pic by this back drop!

The Sheffields met up with us a couple of days after we arrived and we had the best time. The kids played really well together and had a blast too.

Steven and Brian drinking lemon lime bitters. We love these drinks that hale from Australia. And Ginger Beer too. (There's nothing alcoholic about it.)

Kindle power!

Taco Casa! It was so good we went there twice. 

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