Monday, February 10, 2014

Phillips Family Portrait 2013 and Christmas Card

 Merry Christmas! It was impressive that these pictures were taken in early November and that Christmas cards were posted to the U.S.A., New Zealand and the UK before Thanksgiving. Photographed by Michael Rowland. Thanks Mike!

Dear Family and Friends,

We wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and a wonderful holiday season! I have often heard the words, “Sarah, you sure do live an exciting life!” The words of my dear mother. Exciting or not we will share some of what we’ve been up to with you!

Chael (2): “Who’s a big boy?” When asked this question Chael will smile and answer, “Me!” He’s graduated to big boy status and is potty trained! Yay for Chael! He does a fabulous Buzz Lightyear impersonation, loves Ninjago Lego guys and is still the super star in our neighborhood. He greets everyone and loves keeping up with his big brothers and sister. All while wearing his black cowboy boots of course. No other shoes will do.

Dash (4): It does fit given his name-- Dash loves to race. Of course he mostly races Chael, who also loves it. Everywhere we go he asks us to say, “On your mark, get set, go!” He’s very comedic with his expressions and is good at making his family laugh. He’s also a star in the movie’s Callie makes for school and can be counted on to perform for his siblings.

Brock (6): On every paper he can touch with his pencil, Brock has drawn Ninjago ninja guys and pictures. He comes up with creative stories and brings them to life on the playground when he plays with his friends. It’s never boring when playing with Brock! He has a strong sense of right and wrong and we’ve really seen that more as he’s looked to help or stand up for someone at school, at home or at church.

Callie (9): A Big accomplishment for Callie was making Student Body Council for lower school this year. She was the only 4th grader to elected to a position and her speech was awesome. Her sense of humor is engaging and she just shines and lights up the room where ever she goes. She's been playing soccer and skateboarding after school and loves to read. She has a list of sports she also wants to start which include snowboarding, basketball, volleyball, and cross country. Things to look forward to! 

Sarah: I just do my thing! Same old and I love my life! I’ve been helping out at the school and continue to do my “home projects”. Recent ones include hanging a lovely plate collage on our dining room wall, stripping wall paper, painting three plus bedrooms and transforming Chael’s bedroom into Brian’s office. I do drive in China. That alone is somewhat “exciting”. And we continue to open our home for get togethers, birthdays, holidays and everything in between!

Brian: November 1st marked the one year anniversary of Brian’s company, Treasure Valley Interiors.  We couldn’t be more proud of him! If I could just get more of his awesome furniture in my home... we are his biggest fans! He was recently asked to be the assistant basketball coach at the International School and really looks forward to this season. Somehow he does a masterful job at balancing family, church and work and is very much adored by his wife and children.

the Phillips

My poor Callie wasn't feeling well this day! Brian took off right after the family shot to watch the high school finals volleyball match. We met him there and Callie stayed in the car and slept!  Brock has now had THREE teeth knocked out. They are all in the front. One was from when he was hanging on a goal post at school. A small one where he and his friends play soccer. A friend was pulling on his legs and Brock snagged a tooth on the net. The tooth didn't make it. The other two, his front two, were knocked out when he tripped, fell and came down on a stool. Good thing they're just baby teeth!

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