Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Christmas Morning

Christmas came! Santa Claus came too!
I do love my tree. Don't like the blinking lights! It's impossible to find decent Christmas tree lights here that last more than a month etc. I have managed to collect some cool ornaments even here in a Christmas-less land. All shades of red and green and I don't like many being the same. I often just buy one of something I like. They are all different. 

Stuffed stockings now on the couch, too heavy to hang. 

Star Wars guys for the boys!

Emma and Mark Hamilton gave us these fabulous pillows. Mine was pink and Brian's was blue. They look really cool on leather. I love the fabric and print. So sweet of them. They moved to Tokyo and we will miss their family!

From Brian! I LOVE this fabric. Brian gave me these pillows. He had them made for me. Well done Brian!

Chael got a cool G.I. Joe type dude from Callie. We drew names this year!

Brock gave Dash these little airplanes that can fly in air and water. 

Brian must have been a very good boy this year! He got the greatest office chair ever. I got it through our friend Bella and it's black leather, super comfy and very high end. Wow! He also got Under Armour socks, compression shorts, UA sports bag for basketball and some cool t-shirts. Yay! 

Batman. Batman. Super cool. 

Ninjago lego guys. We love legos in this house! And lego guys especially!

Callie got a sweet guitar from Santa. It's gorgeous! Now she gets to learn how to play it. She's also wearing a new track suit jacket she got. Rock on Sweet Pea! We listened a lot to the Killers Christmas album this season. Callie likes to also rock her Santa hat. She gave one to each of her class mates this year at their end-of-year party. 

We tried to keep Christmas really simple this year and it was wonderful. The children drew names and gave a sibling a present. They also received one from us and one from Santa Claus. Our big deal Christmas present this year was going to Bali! We opened presents on Christmas Eve and flew out that night. 

One of our Christmas traditions is to write down our gift to Jesus and put it in the "Jesus Stocking" which is white. (I had them made for an enrichment activity in Shanghai years ago.) Brian's is to get 100% on home teaching. My gift is to blog frequently! And do family history by blogging. Callie's is to be positive. Brock's is to do something for Mom if Callie said she didn't want to. Dash's is to learn to read. Chael agreed to any suggestion we made. We'll go with helping his siblings eat their candy. 

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