Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Biery Ranch Summer 2013

Brock and Chael in Grampy's duck pen. Chael would only wear these rain boots. He even wore them on the plane. They were ripped and thrashed and he was in need of a new pair. I had to hide them when his new cowboy boots arrived. 

Grampy's duckies!

Callie and Charlotte on Ricky's horse riding at the Biery Ranch.

Callie was galloping! 

Brock learned how to hold the reigns and steer the horse and ride all by himself. 

Playground at Spanish Fork, 45 minutes from Grammy and Grampy's.Brock learned how to hold the reigns himself and direct the horse. 

Sliding and playing with Erika and Sariah Holmes! Meeting up with friends from Hangzhou in Spanish Fork. The Holmes now live in Provo and we miss them. 

Woops! Guess sliding wasn't allowed.

My dad and I went to a fireside together for leaders and all who wanted to attend. It was about missionary work. 

Being able to collect the chicken and duck eggs every morning, pick swiss chard, pull weeds, jump on the trampoline and ride a horse are things my children rarely get to do living in a big city. So going to Grammy and Grampy's house is big deal! Callie loves buttermilk and swiss chard. She takes after her mother who takes after her father. No wonder I'm his favorite. I like swiss chard! My dad has them out doing jobs around the place. The only tricky part is getting to Costco, Walmart and the mall-- they're an hour away! 

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