Monday, August 18, 2014

It's Hard Saying Good Bye

It's not easy saying good bye to good friends leaving me. So I don't! "I hope to see you again" works for me. Hopefully in Malaysia, Germany, California, Saudi Arabia or Oman!  

Natalie, Marina, Cecilia, Jerry, Jill and Sebastion, Yanti, Yuhai, Miranda and Natalie Foxwell. 

The day before the pumpkins and I flew to the States we had a little farewell lunch at my place with many friends who are moving away. Everyone brought a dish which makes for an awesome international feast! I love these people and love the time I had with them. It's such a blessing to make many friends from all over the world while living in this corner of China. 

One friend, Steffi, couldn't make it because her son got sick but she wrote me something that was really sweet. Thank you for being my first friend here in Hangzhou. You made our transition a little bit easier. I wish more people would be like you. I know Good bye are not the right words, so I say hope to see you again.

I was so shocked to read that she wished more people would be like me! And so touched. Thank you Steffi! What a dear woman. We met while picking up school uniforms and I told them where to find great pants for school and invited them to come over for dinner. That's it! And we've been friends ever since. 

Graduation day. Isaac, Jacob, Brian, Rahul and Ian. 

Brian and our familywas the assistant basketball coach this year at H.I.S. It's not a normal thing for a parent to be on the coaching staff but Eric Chernoff made it happen and invited Brian to be a part of it. He attended every practice he could and a tournament held in Hong Kong. We had the team over for pizza, cookies and BBQ's and every Saturday possible, Brian gets a team of adults to play against them. He's awesome. I love that Brian is involved in this way and able to be an influence in these young men's lives. 

The Eppinks and our family ate dinner at an awesome Chinese restaurant bordering the tea-leaves country side just before they moved in June to Oman. This country side is just 15 minutes away from where we live and it's beautiful. This was our first time eating here and we plan to take friends here in the future. Great food and the kids can run around too!  

Callie ate a fish eyeball! Mees who's 8 followed suit and did it too. She said it was good and that it tasted like chicken. I have no idea what put the notion to eat a fish eyeball into her head. She's very adventurous in many ways! Thijn and Mees are good buddies with Callie and Brock. They will all be missed!

As you can tell there are many that I will miss. They can't help but be my friends the poor things. I just love them too much. 

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