Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Phillips Reunion--2014

Phillips Reunion at the Lodge! Grandma and Grandpa Phillips have 36 grandchildren! )A few aren't pictured here.)

Brian with his sister Suz, Kam, Ashley, Jake and Myra. 

Boise, Idaho temple. The Gentry family had four beautiful children sealed to them.

On Saturday, July 5th, we had the privilege of witnessing Brian's sister Suz and her husband Chuck be sealed to their four adopted children: Maria, Deigo, Myra and Sally. They have five children of their own, adopted and were sealed to the four mentioned on July 5th and are currently fostering two biological brothers of those four and plan to adopt them. Kam is 18 months old and Max is a newborn. That's right. 11 children! I know it's not easy but they have raised such incredible children who also have hearts of gold. They are ministering angels on earth and witnessing their story has strengthened my testimony that Father in Heaven has a plan and way to save each of His children. They amaze me. Everything is all about families and the sacred work that goes on in His holy houses. 

This was a highlight of our trip to the States. It was incredible to witness the Gentry's being sealed together. I felt an overwhelming witness that what was taking place was of God, that it was sacred and important. And I felt the tremendous love God has for His children. To see these sweet innocent children in their whites and know that they were now a forever family who could partake of all the goodness that the gospel has to offer made me overjoyed. The temple sealer was so cute. I remember his words. He really emphasized that the purpose of marriage was to help bring Father in Heaven's spirit children to this earth. It's all about families. He also mentioned that the most important principle of the gospel is repentance and we need to do it every day. 

Warrior paint with sunblock! (Free stuff from RAGNAR race.) Cousin Jake and friends: Ali and Tori Pilling.

Back up to the lodge for owners week! 

Payette Lake in McCall, Utah. 

Callie, Ally and Ali.

and Jake!

 The midgoids got to feed deer and the Fowler Deer Farm. So cool!

Steve and Rachelle, Brian and Sarah, Brent and Kim with son Russell and her parents, Gladys and Ivory.

Downtown Boise. Yoitomo Sushi Restaurant. Deann, David, Brian, Kris and Russ.

Mark, Jalene, Kim, Becky, Brent, Brian, Steve and Rachelle. Suchi night! On the way to Trader Joes.

Brian with his cute parents Deann and Russ Phillips. Love them!

Aunt Michelle made these awesome super hero capes for Dash and Chael! They LOVE them! Thanks, Aunt Michelle!!!

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