Monday, August 18, 2014

Summer Time at Grammy and Grampy's

Roasting time!

These grandchildren LOVED the Biery Farm! Brock and Callie couldn't wait each morning AND afternoon to hunt down the chicken and duck eggs everyday. It was like an Easter egg hunt to them. They jumped on the trampoline until dark most nights. We got to roast hot dogs and marshmallows, shop at the second-hand stores, go to the dollar store (they love going there... don't ask me why when we can get it for 25 cents in China!), have root beer floats, money fights with Grampy and of course watch Nicklelodian. They even loved pulling weeds! They also got to ride a friend's horse three different days or more. I never rode a horse at their age! So cool! 

We were really good about doing school work while in Utah. We could get it done after family scripture study and then we'd play. We were even better at playing! 

Chael wore his swimming suit pretty much every day this summer. He still does now that we're back. Whatever! 

Spanish Fork Splash Pad and Playground

Provo, Ut Temple

Thanks to a good friend who watched my children for me I was able to do a temple session with both of my parents! That was special. My parents are super cute. They really outdid themselves and watched our children for us when we went toVegas for Market in July. And my dad (WWII vet) is 88 years old! My mom turned 75 this summer. Grammy and Grampy spent a whole day in SLC taking the children to the Lion's House for lunch, seeing the SLC temple, going to the visitor's center, watching a movie about Joseph Smith, going through the Beehive House, and much more! They had a blast and taught them so much. They had the theater to themselves and they were asking question after question and it was a great experience! What a blessing grandparents are. 

Las Vegas for Market. Brian rocked it. 

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