Thursday, August 21, 2014

Biery Reunion 2014

The face of one happy dude after eating s'mores....and his guns.

Bonfires, Rock Paper Scissors Tournament, mountain biking, yard work party, shooting, four wheeling, natural hot springs, Starlight Theater, Payette Lake, Farmer's Market, thrift store shopping, Ice Cream Alley, My Father's Place (burger and shakes joint), running, visiting the Northwood Buffalo Ranch, and of course eating delicious meals. It was an enjoyable week with my parents and two of my sisters and their families, the Espinilis and the Holdaways. Thanks for making the trek from Utah and Southern California to play with us! We love you!

We had a bonfire every night possible. As you should. Enjoyable campfire time with the fam. And lots of s'mores and woofems! Doesn't get much better.

 The Annual Rock Paper Scissors Tournament. Woowoo! Callie just beat her Aunt Kathe. Brian's a little excited. Jared doesn't look as enthused. 

How to Make Tools Look Good 101. 

Work party. (End of the work party.) Nice work everyone! I really appreciate projects like these where we can work together as a family. Invaluable for our children. 

Me with these cute ladies! Saide, Kathe, Hannah and Emma. 

The Gold Fork Natural Geothermic Hot Springs are AWESOME!!! A gem just a few miles down the road from the lodge. 

This pool has sand on the bottom and was a favorite for the littles. It's warm but not to warm and not too deep. 

Callie and Brock with cousin Shad.

Northwood Buffalo Ranch. We got to see these impressive animals and even pet one! They are raised on 40 acres by a retired football coach. 

Crew: Paul, Sadie, Emma, Jared, Riz, Hannah, Brian, Sarah, Callie and Shad.

White water rafting! A first for Callie and me. Of course we had a great time! Callie did awesome. She went with Brian, Paul and Shad and was riding the bull, jumping out and swimming through smaller rapids and just loved it! And what a cute Dad! 

The rest of us did Staircase (12 and up). I admit that I thought white water rafting would be a lot more physically exerting but it was still super fun. I especially loved doing it with my awesome nieces and nephew and my bro in law. There was a point that I thought we were really pretty good at conquering level four rapids. And then I let Emma slip off the raft! I didn't react fast enough to grab her life vest in time! I'm not sure our guide will forgive us for hurting his track record but Emma is hard core! 

Back flip. Super cute booties they give you to wear. 

 And Riz didn't want his children copying me. Why? 

The cousins! We're missing a few but hope to see them next year.

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