Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Portraits of the Children

Photographing just the children was so much easier then doing a family portrait! Brian drove us to Nine Creeks on Saturday where a creek crosses the cobblestone path nine times. Chinese people were camping out and putting their feet in the water. It was really enjoyable to be outside up there even when it's hot and humid. It's cooler up there and the water is really refreshing. It was a fun outing and Brian even mentioned that we should do outings like this more often! We were surprised at how the Saturday crowd was not overwhelming.  It was lovely. 

Children have so much personality in their little bodies and you can see it in a series of photographs. I don't have an extensive series from our outing because we kept it quick and easy. But everyone had a good time. Crazy! They must be getting older. There have been times where I am at my wits end trying to get a decent shot of one of my pumpkins. I remember Brock refusing to smile when he was four years old. And getting them all in the same shot and happy is just a challenge no matter how you slice it. I try to do their pictures once a year after their birthdays in the Spring. I finally got to it!

I could post 10 of Chael and he would have a different facial expression in each of them. He's so funny. He doesn't last long in front of the camera but when he's on he's on! He is really fun to watch play. He plays so well with his brothers especially.

Dash wanted to be by these rocks. Sweet handsome boy! He will only wear shorts which is totally appropriate now weather wise. He's always drawing lately. There are pads of paper and pencils all over the house. For some reason, whenever he asks me to draw him something it is not right. His vision was different I suppose. But Daddy doesn't seem to have the same problem. So now I just tell him to ask Dad! 


Brock's teeth are growing in! I love this smile. He is such a goofy dude. I think he would be really good at Crumping. It's a type of Hip Hop dance that is very intense and dramatic. He looks like he's crumping when he's doing his thing like talking about something that happened or imitating a monkey. 

If it were up to her she'd be wearing a pony tail which she wears everyday! She was not thrilled with this hair style or me doing her hair for pictures. The compromise was that I would keep it off her neck. It's so pretty down though. I tried to explain to her that it's not a bad thing that her mother want's her to look nice for pictures. She is not fond of anything that is girly. But she'll wear these cute button down shirts. If it were up to her she'd be wearing soccer shorts and baggy t-shirts. I'm sure I put my mother through something similar. She was always telling me to laugh like a lady and to act like a lady. And she wanted me to wear feminine clothes when the grunge phase and cut off jeans were really popular. We're a little bit alike. 

With Zoey! Zoey Doyle is moving to Saudi Arabia with her family. We got to play with her for the day while her parents got things organized for the movers. She and Dash are the same age.