Thursday, March 27, 2014

Road Trip to Shanghai and...

"Soccer!!!" is what they are chanting. The boys were recipients of a dozen awesome soccer jersies from Thijn and Mees (Holland). Big score! They were so excited. 

Getting home from school. Brock wishing he could have one of those flowers in the tree. 

Callie helped him out. These blooms are really lovely. 

William Lishman, Callie Brock and Chael at H.I.S.

William Lishman, a famous artist and inventor from Canada, came to speak to students at H.I.S. He's done some really amazing things! The movie "Fly Away Home" was inspired by his work as well. Really great story about a person who was told he wasn't smart and overcame by pressing on. He flunked first grade because he couldn't read. He was diagnosed with  dyslexia later on. He made Auto Henge, and amazing sculptures for World Expos as well. 

Lobster on wheels.

Pigs on wheels. Pork anyone?

Road trip to Shanghai! 

We drove to Shanghai for District Conference last weekend. To get to Pudong was three plus hours. We left when the kids got home from school and stayed with Jen and Taylor Price. Their Will and June are super cute and the kids had a blast playing with them. Wish I took a picture! We're glad the Price's are still in Shanghai after six or seven years and not leaving us anytime soon! Great family. 


With Dash in preschool now, Chael is the only baby at home! He's my little buddy and I love having him at home with me. I will probably cry when he starts preschool in the Fall. The only reason why I would have him go is so he can learn Mandarin really well and gain a decent level of fluency. It just doesn't happen if we're together all day unfortunately. Brian and I are trying to speak Mandarin in our home more. But it's just really hard to remember and to do it frequently. Brian's Mandarin is really phenomenal. And when he does speak it with the children he uses funny voices and they just die laughing. He makes it fun though. I think he speaks it all day long everyday and is happy not to when he gets home. Poor guy. His is just SO much better then mine. I'm thinking I need to put up signs in the house that say "Speak Mandarin!" to help remind us. We will be very remiss if we don't take full advantage of the opportunity our children have to learn Mandarin while living here in China. And we hope they will one day be called to serve Mandarin speaking missions! (Like their dad.)

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