Monday, March 3, 2014

Awesome Run

Stairs! This run I did yesterday was awesome. It wasn't very long in distance but three miles of it was virtually stairs. I was exploring and thought I would get some stairs in. I'm planning on running the Great Wall 1/2 Marathon in May which is four miles of stairs on the wall. This run goes up and over a beautiful mountain. The stairs start at the Liu He Pagoda on Zhi Jiang Rd and it comes out at Tiger Springs on Hu Pao Lu (Running Tiger Road). It's 7 miles total but took me an hour and twenty minutes. I think my goal is to be able to run all these stairs with out walking. Great training! 

They went on and on and on!

At the top of this mountain you can go up a little pagoda and view West Lake. A little hazy but that's water in the distance!

Tiger Springs. 

Tiger Springs.

Thank you, Brian for my new dress! H&M, I love you too.  

1 comment:

  1. wow is that beautiful! I might take up running if it all looked like that! Ok, who am I kidding…I would not!
    You look gorgeous as well!
