Monday, March 24, 2014

A.S.I.A. Women's Conference in Hong Kong, 2014

From the Hangzhou Branch! Christy Moore, Becca Mortensen, me, Kristy Williams and Cindy Greenland. Hong Kong. China, Hong Kong Temple. March 14th, 2014. Dawn Goh came too and stayed with friends. 

We went to the Associated Sisters In Asia Women's Conference! 220 women from about 20 different countries throughout asia came this year to the 8th annual conference. It's kind of like Time Out For Women and it's put on by some amazing gals who live in Asia. The break out sessions are taught by those like us who also live here in Asia. It's supported by our Asia Area Presidency and both first and second counselors and their wives were able to come and speak to us. Elder and Sister Gong and Elder and Sister Funk. A super big high light is being able to attend the temple while in Hong Kong. Living in Mainland China, the temple is just a two hour flight away. Taipei, Soul, Tokyo, Manila, Cebu or Hong Kong. So it's a big deal to actually get there and make the arrangements to make it happen. It's a special trip to me. I just loved it! 

We stayed in temple patron housing which is right across the street from the temple. We flew in Thursday and back late Saturday night. 

Kowloon City!

We ended up getting out of the temple at 9:30pm on Friday night and decided to jump in a taxi and have him recommend where to take us for some dinner. Turns it we had ran by there that morning since we had gotten a little bit lost on our early morning run! We had a bit of sushi and some really good frozen yogurt. It topped the day off really nicely. I would definitely go back to this fun street for eats and froyo. 

Shanghai International District. 

Group Shot! I was also asked to be the Conference's Photographer this year. It was fun! Thanks to Kristy, Christy and Becca we got these group shots done quickly and orderly in record time! 

I love this shot of Heidi Gailey and Carrie Chiles in front of this amazing group of sisters. Heidi and Carrie are two of a few who organized this conference. Incredible women right here.  

Saturday morning on the way to conference. 

I love Hong Kong. I love the British and Asian fusion of this city. I sense the greatest contrasts of this city when riding on the top level of a double decker bus that is driving on the left-hand side on winding, hilly roads. There is lush almost jungle like vegetation all around fused with high rises, city life, Chinese people and Chinese culture. To me, that's pretty cool. 

Kristy, Christy and Becca. Top level of a double decker bus going from the temple in Kowloon Tong to the WanChai church building for Conference. 

I had no idea how difficult it was to take selfies! I usually have Brian around I guess. This is my temple dress I had made in the Mandarin style called a qipao. I've been wanting to do it for a long time now and finally did it! I think it turned out great and am really happy to have it. 

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