Thursday, August 21, 2014

St. George Reunion with Friends

St. George Temple in Utah

We had a special reunion with super good friends who use to live in China with us. We're the only ones in our group that still live in China! They are incredible families and it was a BLAST playing this summer! Such great friends. The Smoots parent's have a beautiful home in Leeds where we all stayed. Reid and Kirsten Smoot and daughters: Kaiya, Thalia and Zara; Paul and Cami Kartchner and children: Katelynn, Dixon, Anders and newborn Zoe; Garrett and Kellie Openshaw and daughters: Amaya, Avery, Azlyn and Aidan; Jared and Meshweyla Macdonald (from New Zealand) and sons: Liddell and Veyron; and Josh Roemmich. Unfortunately Jessica had to stay behind because their daughters Riley and Devan got sick. 

We drove from my parents place in Fairview, Utah straight to Zion National Park. Brian caught up with Reid, Paul and Garrett for an epic repelling hike through the slot canyons that he said made him feel like a Navy Seal. He also told me that we are coming to St. George every year! Woowoo! It's awesome being so close to Zion National Park and to spend time with such great people who we're blessed to call friends. 

The swimming holes at Zion National Park.

These four dudes returned from their "Navy Seals" repelling hike in the slot canyons and then jumped off the cliff with the children. 

Dixie National Forest, Utah. The Smoots home is one mile from the Dixie National Forest and it's so much fun to run the trails there. 

We loved this hike!

We also did a family hike off of the Kanarville exit which was so much fun to do. After 15 minutes you are hiking through a little river and then through slot canyons before you get to some rock slides. The water keeps you cool and it's all shaded in the slot canyons. It's about a 4 mile hike. Callie and Brock took off and loved it. Dash and Chael enjoyed it too and Chael only had to be carried a little bit. They are at great ages for hikes like this. I think it's so good for our children! 

Chael did awesome! He was tired by the end and fell asleep on my back the last 10 minutes. 


These two had so much fun and of course liked to keep things challenging.

Kirsten hiked this with three children (hubby out of town) inlcuding one carried on her back the whole time. Great little work out right there. She's so tough. 

Slot canyon ladder.

RAGNAR Wasatch Back, Utah--2014

My car-2 team! Jaime and Joe Nielson, Joe Huish, me, Jeff Nielson (Joe's dad) and John Sudar. All STUDS!!! Pleasant Grove, Utah. 

RAGNAR is a relay race that covers 194.6 miles on the Wasatch Back from Logan to Park City, Utah. Each team has 12 people/2 cars. Of course it was gorgeous. Utah's landscape is amazing. Jaime and I met through my friend who lives in Shanghai who also happens to be her sister! She mentioned they needed a couple more people on her team and I couldn't resist volunteering! I had only heard of this race before but it sounded challenging. I love having something to train for. Thanks for letting me join the "J Team"!

I was given an honorary name, "Jarah" as I was feeling a bit left out. Their names all start with "J"!

Team pic after completing leg one.

Thanks to Joe Huish we had this sweet ride. 

These dudes are hard core. John's an animal and could probably run forever, Joe H. had a broken patella from a dirt biking happening--and still ran; Jeff is hard core too because he's 57 years old and super fit; and Joe N. was suffering from three injuries including a badly sprained ankle from basket ball--and he still ran!  

EVOLUTION OF THE RAGNAR RUNNER. Designed and made by Mrs. Huish! 

The wait for car one to finish their leg before our night run under the stars. 

I was runner #10. Last leg. The RAGNAR leg. Four miles of vertical. 

I'm so glad Jeff made me stop for a picture! 

Had a blast and loved doing it with my new friends! Thanks "J-Team"! 

Biery Reunion 2014

The face of one happy dude after eating s'mores....and his guns.

Bonfires, Rock Paper Scissors Tournament, mountain biking, yard work party, shooting, four wheeling, natural hot springs, Starlight Theater, Payette Lake, Farmer's Market, thrift store shopping, Ice Cream Alley, My Father's Place (burger and shakes joint), running, visiting the Northwood Buffalo Ranch, and of course eating delicious meals. It was an enjoyable week with my parents and two of my sisters and their families, the Espinilis and the Holdaways. Thanks for making the trek from Utah and Southern California to play with us! We love you!

We had a bonfire every night possible. As you should. Enjoyable campfire time with the fam. And lots of s'mores and woofems! Doesn't get much better.

 The Annual Rock Paper Scissors Tournament. Woowoo! Callie just beat her Aunt Kathe. Brian's a little excited. Jared doesn't look as enthused. 

How to Make Tools Look Good 101. 

Work party. (End of the work party.) Nice work everyone! I really appreciate projects like these where we can work together as a family. Invaluable for our children. 

Me with these cute ladies! Saide, Kathe, Hannah and Emma. 

The Gold Fork Natural Geothermic Hot Springs are AWESOME!!! A gem just a few miles down the road from the lodge. 

This pool has sand on the bottom and was a favorite for the littles. It's warm but not to warm and not too deep. 

Callie and Brock with cousin Shad.

Northwood Buffalo Ranch. We got to see these impressive animals and even pet one! They are raised on 40 acres by a retired football coach. 

Crew: Paul, Sadie, Emma, Jared, Riz, Hannah, Brian, Sarah, Callie and Shad.

White water rafting! A first for Callie and me. Of course we had a great time! Callie did awesome. She went with Brian, Paul and Shad and was riding the bull, jumping out and swimming through smaller rapids and just loved it! And what a cute Dad! 

The rest of us did Staircase (12 and up). I admit that I thought white water rafting would be a lot more physically exerting but it was still super fun. I especially loved doing it with my awesome nieces and nephew and my bro in law. There was a point that I thought we were really pretty good at conquering level four rapids. And then I let Emma slip off the raft! I didn't react fast enough to grab her life vest in time! I'm not sure our guide will forgive us for hurting his track record but Emma is hard core! 

Back flip. Super cute booties they give you to wear. 

 And Riz didn't want his children copying me. Why? 

The cousins! We're missing a few but hope to see them next year.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Phillips Reunion--2014

Phillips Reunion at the Lodge! Grandma and Grandpa Phillips have 36 grandchildren! )A few aren't pictured here.)

Brian with his sister Suz, Kam, Ashley, Jake and Myra. 

Boise, Idaho temple. The Gentry family had four beautiful children sealed to them.

On Saturday, July 5th, we had the privilege of witnessing Brian's sister Suz and her husband Chuck be sealed to their four adopted children: Maria, Deigo, Myra and Sally. They have five children of their own, adopted and were sealed to the four mentioned on July 5th and are currently fostering two biological brothers of those four and plan to adopt them. Kam is 18 months old and Max is a newborn. That's right. 11 children! I know it's not easy but they have raised such incredible children who also have hearts of gold. They are ministering angels on earth and witnessing their story has strengthened my testimony that Father in Heaven has a plan and way to save each of His children. They amaze me. Everything is all about families and the sacred work that goes on in His holy houses. 

This was a highlight of our trip to the States. It was incredible to witness the Gentry's being sealed together. I felt an overwhelming witness that what was taking place was of God, that it was sacred and important. And I felt the tremendous love God has for His children. To see these sweet innocent children in their whites and know that they were now a forever family who could partake of all the goodness that the gospel has to offer made me overjoyed. The temple sealer was so cute. I remember his words. He really emphasized that the purpose of marriage was to help bring Father in Heaven's spirit children to this earth. It's all about families. He also mentioned that the most important principle of the gospel is repentance and we need to do it every day. 

Warrior paint with sunblock! (Free stuff from RAGNAR race.) Cousin Jake and friends: Ali and Tori Pilling.

Back up to the lodge for owners week! 

Payette Lake in McCall, Utah. 

Callie, Ally and Ali.

and Jake!

 The midgoids got to feed deer and the Fowler Deer Farm. So cool!

Steve and Rachelle, Brian and Sarah, Brent and Kim with son Russell and her parents, Gladys and Ivory.

Downtown Boise. Yoitomo Sushi Restaurant. Deann, David, Brian, Kris and Russ.

Mark, Jalene, Kim, Becky, Brent, Brian, Steve and Rachelle. Suchi night! On the way to Trader Joes.

Brian with his cute parents Deann and Russ Phillips. Love them!

Aunt Michelle made these awesome super hero capes for Dash and Chael! They LOVE them! Thanks, Aunt Michelle!!!