Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Fabulous Thanksgiving Holiday 2014

Thanksgiving weekend in Shanghai!

Thanksgiving Potluck at Jerry's.

When I asked Brian about who should be on the invite list this year for Thanksgiving, he said he thought we should just go out for dinner and bake some pumpkin pies. I was shocked! (Since I like to invite the whole world, he has a guest number limit to our parties and has to approve the invite list.) We were leaning towards Indian food and just baking some pumpkin pies. It sounded really easy and inexpensive. Those plans were smashed when Jerry asked about his invite to our place for Thanksgiving. When I told him we weren't having it this year he pretty much put us straight. He hosted and we brought a baked turkey, gravy and Gulliver's Creamed Corn. The spread was amazing and it was a wonderful way to celebrate. He reminded us that Thanksgiving is about being with people! Friends and family! Good food! It was epic as always.

I love Thanksgiving. I love the history of this holiday. I love that we dedicate a day to celebrate all the blessings in our lives and just focus on being with family and friends and eating good food. There's no fuss about presents and gift wrapping. It's simple. I'm also proud of my pilgrimage heritage. I am related to 11 people who came across the Mayflower! There were about 100 people who came on that boat and that first winter about half of them died. I have a great appreciation for these people who sacrificed so much. I'm grateful for their strong desire for freedom and freedom of religion and that they were willing to give up everything to come to a new land. The world is blessed by these kind of people who have gone before us and have laid the roots of America. It's in our blood. We respect, honor and fight for freedom. 

Astor Hotel in Shanghai Thanksgiving weekend.

We went with our friends and neighbors, the Daggett's, to Shanghai to play for the weekend. And we stayed at this historical hotel right on the bund. It was so cool! Built in the 1930's, it's had many famous people stay here. The room we stayed in is where Ulysses S. Grant stayed! The architecture was really cool and I enjoyed the history and design.  

The ceiling in the Astor hotel lobby.

We ate good food and shopped at the knock off market on Saturday. And Sunday we went to a Christmas Musical Performance where several choirs in the community performed. It was a good way to really get into the Christmas spirit.  

Wai Tan! The Bund!

Shanghai's view of the Pearl Tower from the Bund.

Making friends! So many people wanted to be in a picture with these kids! I love this guy...

They're just such so darn cute.

While I was taking pics of my family, so were these lovely strangers/new friends. So funny!

Katie Lloyd and I hiking Nine Creeks. And Lisa's taking the picture!

I love Katie! We were so lucky to get her for a week at our place before she flew back to the States. We had a blast and look forward to catching up in Utah in the summers.

He Fang Jie Pedestrian Street with Katie, Lisa and Brad. 

Katie and I noticed this dudes buffness. He's making a peanut-biscuit type bar which requires some serious pounding. They have two guys taking turns hammering it with large mallets while chanting "he ho he" or something like that. They're delicious. I asked him to flex for us so I could take a picture. He wasn't willing to flex and pose for us but I think he was quite flattered. Of course Brian could smash him. :)

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