Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Jelly Fish Attack AND Our Favorite Day in Langkawi

Sheraton Beach Resort.

This guy was perched on a big leaf about eye level to Brian and with a nice view of the kids playing in the pool. 

While we were swimming and on the pool deck we heard a huge smack. A snake dropped from the tree really over head. It must have been really high up. It was a bit stunned and then slithered off. There is a lot of wild life around. Lizards, snakes, monkeys (everywhere!) and even jelly fish!

Brock was standing in the ocean one afternoon not very deep at all and was stung on his feet by a jelly fish!

FYI: If you are ever stung by a jelly fish: 1. Do not itch it or put it in water (ocean, pool or otherwise). 2. Do not urinate on it. (Myth!) Water and pee just make the poisons spread. 3. Spray white vinegar on it to prevent the poison from spreading. It feels like it's on fire or in the oven but will go away if not itched or put in water in about 20 minutes. In about 2-3 hours it's fine to swim again. But it may leave a red mark for a few days. Brock had an awesome battle wound for awhile. The hotel staff also put some cream on it. Benoval brand. Not sure what it was.

Needless to say, Brock had an epic story to tell all.

Dash was swimming and swimming and swimming! He did great!

Wow. Little brothers giving big brother a foot massage.

The Kebab House eating lamb kebabs and mashed potatoes.

The Malay women wear coverings over their heads. The cuisine in Malaysia is extraordinary-- as well as the unique blend of different peoples and cultures that live there. Indian, Malay, Chinese, Arab. It's the most culturally diverse place we've ever been too. And of course their are expats from all over living there. We didn't make it to Penang but it's infamous for it's cuisine and good food!

Monkey giving Dash the stare down. He saw his bottle of water and wanted it. They are buggers! And thieves. Starting our little hike up to the water fall.

Cliff jumpers. Callie's always the first.

This Seven Holes Waterfall was our favorite part of the trip. We found it on our last day. We saw it on the map but hadn't heard anything about it. We flew out late in the evening so we're all packed up and just thinking it would be a little hike. It was a very little hike. However! We weren't prepared for awesome water holes, cliff jumping, log jumping, rock slides and exploring! So Dash and Chael swam in their underwear. Callie and Brock swam in their clothes. And Brian and I watched and now know to wear suits next time!

Nothing like a nice belly flop.


So fun!!! We wished we'd found it days earlier.

Best day ever! We loved this place!

A bit tuckered out after a day of playing at the water fall! And really good Indian food. It never disappointed.

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