Thursday, April 3, 2014

Spring Break Begins!

Spring Break Begins! Running with kite. They each took turns and had so much fun running up and down the runway "flying" the squid kite. One of Callie's awesome new b-day gifts. 

Preschoolers on a field trip. Awesome uniforms. 

Morning on Wen Tao Lu.

Dongxin Da Dao (Avenue) on my way home from a run. I like the three-wheeler coming and the parade of construction guys on their way to their work site. 

Buying Xiang Cong Bin (Green Onion Tortilla).

We went across the street to our "Xiao La Ji Shi Chang (Little Trash Market)" for dinner on Thursday, March 27th--the first full day of spring break! It's awesome. There are street vendors selling food along the alleys and in little shops. It's a fun dinner. We ended up starting with our onion tortillas which the kids love. And then we went to a Muslim Noodle place which are all over and so delicious. Lan Zhou Mian. A bowl of freshly made noodles in a broth with cilantro and slice of beef is about $1. Most Chinese Muslims don't eat pork which is extremely common in the Chinese diet. 

Callie pointed out the shoes up here on the wall and asked me to take a picture. They look polished and shined.

Walking to the Xin Jiang Noodle 

Making La Mian (Pulled Noodles). It's cool to watch every time! 

Fresh pulled noodles dumped into the boiling broth to cook. The Muslim Chinese wear these hats. 

 Cooking up the veggies that go with the shaved noodles in Xin Jiang Ban Mian. A favorite!

He shaves the dough right into the pot. They got a kick out of me taking their picture.

Xiao Xie, our old ayi, with Chael. She's awesome and loves the children and the children love her. She and her new husband are like family.

Xin Jiang Ban Mian. And then you put the veggies on the shaved noodles. So good!

Noodles! Our family ate for about $6 this night. 

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