Monday, April 14, 2014

Chael's Birthday!

Such a cute birthday boy! 

I asked Chael if he wanted strawberries on his cake. "Yes!" was his answer. So I made him an Angel Food Cake with whipped cream and berries. He LOVES fruit. On his first birthday I made him a cake made out of a watermelon. He'll eat anything sweet I'm sure. 

I love his squinty smiles!

Can you see the enjoyment on his face? He was SO be eating cereal for dinner!

I asked Chael what he wanted for dinner on his birthday. It can be a scary question to ask because there are limits to my super powers. He said, "Cereal!" After asking him several times and even suggesting pizza one time the answer was still the same. I decided I was not going to try to talk him out of it. This was the easiest birthday dinner I have ever made! And it was such a treat for the whole family! We must be deprived.... He did get to pick out some new boxes of cereal at the store today. 

I had to put all these pictures in because Chael's facial expressions are so funny! He's precious.

I should also point out Brock's even more toothless smile. Cute little pumpkin. He is now missing his four front teeth! The first three were all knocked out on two separate occasions. One he lost a year ago at school. It was sort of yanked out by the soccer goal net. Won't go into details there. His two front teeth he lost this past Fall from a fall. But this fourth one was loose and came out because it was suppose to. He has one missing on the bottom right now too. And another loose one down there. Quite the jack-o-lantern! He's making bank from the tooth fairy. This year I think he'll be singing, "All I want for Christmas are my four front teeth....." 

Lego Batman!

Chael Louis Phillips. He just rocks. He's extremely playful and he loves people. He catches on to humor really quickly and thinks his dad, brothers and sister are the funniest people on the planet. He also enjoys making them laugh as well. He goes around saying, "my precious" and quotes anything that makes the kids laugh. He also likes to yell "Ninja-GO!" and play fights ninja style. He's got his moves down. 

Lately he's been saying, "I love that, Mom!" or "I like your pants, Dad!" "I love your hair, Mom!" He's the first one to notice something new. 

Chael is a very lovable little dude who enjoys being a big boy. People enjoy him and their is just something really magnetizing about him. He has a wonderful energy and light. We think he's pretty cute too. 

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