Friday, April 11, 2014

Hangzhou Zoo During Spring Break

Chow time.

During Spring break we met up with some friends at the zoo and had a picnic! The McEarl's, Eppink's, Williams', Joseph's and our family joined the outing. It is built in a beautiful area so it feels more natural. I've been to the zoo in Shanghai before but the one big panda there is usually dozing. So it was fun to see these pandas awake and in action. Eating!

 It was kind of like a potluck picnic. Really fun. 

Callie snapped a pic of Brock.

I had to add this picture. This for some reason is a typical facial expression we see on Brock. I don't know why. He's a little crazy. He even received a "Dragon Award" today at school for his "charisma". It was a certificate for having a good attitude, being a joy to have in class, always happy and making his classmates and teacher laugh. He's quite the comedian. But he doesn't like the stage! He's so funny while performing in the 1st grade performances. He just barely goes through the motions. He does just enough to be doing it but keeps a really straight face the whole time. I've never seen him smile while on stage. He's not too comfortable up there but he's come a long way. He at least does the actions to the songs now!

The seal show! He could do some cool tricks. 

We also watched another animal show. A mountain goat, poodles, elephant and even a little black bear did some stunts. I wasn't sure if I should post the pictures of the bear! He could roller skate and ride a bike. But it was a little sad. 
There were also some really cool arial artists! 

Pretty area at the zoo where the ducks, geese and swan hang out. 

This was the sad part. Poor little bear. On skates! 

And he could ride a bike too. 

This was the best part. The Arial dancers were really cool! 

Yanti bought fighting sticks and swords for the kids and they had a good time with them. Chael does some awesome Ninjago moves and poses when he plays. It's so funny. He gets into it. 

1 comment:

  1. So fun! I want to see Pandas in action!! Miss you guys!
