Monday, March 6, 2017

Hiking, Camping and Company Retreat in August 2016

The Octagon hike in Hangzhou.

We did a lot of hiking and outdoor running around this summer. It's a bit hot and humid but in the later afternoons in the rainy monsoon season it was fun to get out!

Nine Creeks Hike. I love this woman up above checking out the crazy people below.


We went camping with the Poons and Woods. And the Goh's joined us for the hiking and playing. It's kind of a big deal to go camping in China!

Brian's private bathing pond.

Susan, Eme, Fai, Noe, and Mali Poon; Stephanie, Finn, Anthony (hiding), Olliver and Cameron Wood; Brian, Sarah, Callie, Brock and Dash Phillips. Who knows where Chael is? 

Brian and our family plus our friend Luke Sheffield; Lao Liu and his wife and son (back), Xiao Su, and Xiao Lin and their wives and sons; Mr. Sun (factory owner) and one of his managers, Kayla along with her husband and son; Sophie and Jessica.

We went back to Moganshan with Brian's company and had a company retreat! It was really fun to have a family weekend with them and we had a great BBQ and dancing after a good day of doing an obstacle course. And this time we stayed in a hotel! We hiked some great hikes in the beautiful mountains the next morning.

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