Wednesday, March 29, 2017

December 2016 and January 2017 Update!

Back row: Christy Moore, Julie Steimle, Callie, Susan Poon, Becca, Ky and Bryan Mortensen, Nancy Stice, Stephanie Wood, Brian, Joey Chao, Stella, Fai Poon, Anthony Wood
Frong row: Eme and Mali Poon, Joy Moore, Olly Wood, Chael, Dash, Brock, Cam and Addie Wood and Noe Poon

On Christmas Eve, the children gave stuffed animals to the local Chinese children who'd underwent major surgery at the Children's Hospital in Hangzhou. We gathered and sang Christmas songs on each floor before going to the next. It's been a tradition of ours and has always been a fun way for our family to give. Everyone came over afterwards for a very Tex Mex Christmas Eve meal! And the children acted out the nativity. Our friends here in Hangzhou are our family and a huge blessing.

On Christmas day which was Sunday we had all of the YSA's and singles over for dinner, plus the Wood family. Steph made the ham. It was a really wonderful Christmas weekend! The kids opened presents that morning. We kept it simple and it was lovely.

Xiao Li, Xiao Sun, Vicky, Brian, Sophie, Jessica, Lao Liu

Brian had a company work party before CNY. We made them these awesome gift baskets!! They had some fantastic things inside that they would be able to share with their family over the holidays. Brian took us to the Blue Frog, a nice Western restaurant with great burgers, and we ordered plenty and ate it Chinese style. I love Brian's team! They are so great and we are so grateful for them. They really are an awesome team!!!

Happy Chinese New Year at Wahaha Schools!

Brock was one of the emcees at the end of year performance.

Cam and Dash before they go on stage.

Chael gets to go to join the kindergarten class twice a week and his teacher is from Australia. So they sang a song about Santa Claus wearing shorts. Really cute!

We had a Christmas miracle. Brock came home from school singing Blizten Boogie. Brian called me down stairs to hear him because it was that miraculous. He could carry a tune!! He use to be monotone. Every note was the same! Somehow it just clicked and he can sing! He had a lot of fun being the drummer for the Blitzen Boogie song. He's happy to have dance solos. He should not quit his day job, however! 

Teacher gifts!

Stephanie and I made these really fun teacher gifts. With all of the specialized teaching at WIS for all 7 of our children combined, we made 21 of them! "Warmest wishes this holiday season" tags. We filled these large mugs with hot chocolate, cool socks, gloves and homemade cookies! I think they would have been fine with just the cookies... but I sure have a good time doing my little gift projects!

Happy Birthday, Brian! January 23rd. He's my favorite person in the whole world. 

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