Sunday, April 26, 2015

Family Visiting Us! March 2015

Grabbing a quick bite in PuDong, Shanghai after shopping hard at the knock off market.

Grandma and Grandpa Phillips, Uncle Steve, Aunt Rachelle and Sophie and Shya came to play in China with us. It was a fabulous time with them! They arrived on Friday evening, March 21st. Brian and I (and the kids!) took them first thing Saturday morning to a great knock off market. We had to run off at noon to get to our leadership training meeting at 1pm. I was in charge of the training for primary presidencies during that second hour. And the adult session was at 3:30. They shopped and we met up for dinner at Element Fresh. On of my favorite restaurants in Shanghai! 

We stayed at the Crown Plaza which had a great pool, hot tub and breakfast buffet! After church on Sunday we checked out Yu Yuan Gardens. Monday we went back to the knock off market! Had some snacks and some trained to Hangzhou with me. Russ, Chael and Brian drove back with all the luggage.

Yu Yuan Gardens, Shanghai

We took a day trip to Wuzhen which is a beautiful "water town" a couple hours away from us in Hangzhou. Water town's are old towns where the canal through the town was used for transporting goods and people. It's a little piece of old China and very photogenic with it's bridges over the canal, small alleys with shops and buildings made out of wood, and local Chinese snacks and handcrafted goods. 

This girl knows how to take a selfie! She wanted a pic with these cute foreigners I know.

Checking out Wuzhen!

Dash eating our favorite fruit leather snacks from China made of crab apple.

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