Tuesday, April 28, 2015

March Birthdays!

The birthday kids!

Dash's birthday is March 24th. He turned 6! And Callie's is March 26th. She turned 11! 
We celebrated with Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Steve, Aunt Rachelle and cousins Sophie and Shya too. Texas Sheet Cake fed the crowd. 

Guardians of the Galaxy lego guys! And cool T-shirts from Uncle Steve!

Books from Aunt Rachelle! She's a total book worm! Thank you Aunt Rachelle! And new clothes from Grandma!

Callie and Sophie, one of her best friends, before a Chinese New Year performance.

Sweat Pea! CJ! Callie Jin Phillips! She sure is catching up to me in height! She's about 5'2.5 now? And she can fit into lots of my clothes! And we where the same shoe size. She's just getting so tall. She had an experience MC'ing a pep rally at school in March where she forgot what she was suppose to say! She said it was like her mind went blank! She knew what she was suppose to do but the words wouldn't formulate and come out! So after standing there a few LONG seconds. She walked off and handed the microphone to Jun, the VP. I was really proud of her when she told me about it! It was really embarrassing of course but she just pulled it together, got back out there to hand out certificates and was telling me, at the dinner table that evening, "It's okay," and had a slight smile on her face. Way to be resilient! And, even though it was quite a horrible experience for her, she still decided she would like to MC the talent show in April. Not being afraid to fail is something we hope our children learn and learn at a young age. 

Favorite books: Eragon, Harry Potter, Heros of Olympus, Anne Frank, King Solomon's Mines, Joey Pigza and Matilda by Ronald Dahl.
Favorite food: Calzones and Indian food. 
Favorite dessert: Cindy Greenland's Banana Cream Pie, and mom's apple cobbler and Angel Food cake.
Favorite color: Green, Orange, Blue.
Favorite song: Immortals by Fallout Boys
Favorite sport: soccer, swimming, basketball and football.
Favorite friends: Sophie and Kashvi
Favorite t-shirt: Boise State one
Favorite thing to say: Boom and booya.
Favorite TV show: Mr. Bean and iCarly

Dash lost his first tooth! And then the second one right next to it a few days later at school. He loves to spend time drawing. I think his drawings are super fun. Down below is a fire truck, super heroes and an alligator. He sings, "Row row row your boat gently up the stream. When you see a crocodile, don't forget to scream!" He's having a blast playing soccer on Thursdays after school with friends. And watch out if he finds a notebook. He will fill it with his drawings! He also spends a lot of time playing with legos and builds really cool forts and space ships. 

Favorite toys: legos and lego guys
Favorite food: Pizza, chips and salsa, hummus. 
Favorite dessert: vanilla ice cream.  
Favorite vegetable: Asparagus
Favorite color: green and blue.
Favorite Super Hero: Green Lantern.
Favorite movie: The Lego Movie. And Mr. Bean! 
He loves Minecraft on the iPad! 
Favorite shirt: his skeleton one, the jaws one and the Darth Vader one. 
Favorite song: Rob Zombie and Follow the Prophet. 
Favorite friends: Camryn, Olliver and Jet. 
Favorite thing to say: Totally.
Favorite things to play: Memory, Minecraft, and ride his scooter
Favorite sport: soccer

Brian representin'! Go USA! haha!

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