Monday, April 27, 2015

Bamboo Forrest and Lunch at the Tea Fields--March 2015

Rachelle, Sarah, Sophie and Shya.

Going to the Bamboo Forrest is one of our favorite little hikes to do with the kids. And others! The kids get to run around and climb a bit but this particular day was a bit muddy! So of course that showed up on the kids. It's really gorgeous with walls of bamboo on either side of the trail. It reminds me of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Wish I could run on the tops of bamboo too!

Rachelle, Steve, Sophie and Shya.

Brian with Dad and Mom.


These two brothers! Good friends. Brian's lucky to have five of them. Steve's the one right above him and Brian's the youngest brother.

Tea Farm Restaurant.

This is a quaint little restaurant in the tea villages. It was his family's favorite place we ate it. There's a mountain side of terraced tea plants behind the photographer. The kids get to run around and play hide n go seek. This is where they got really muddy! The food is fresh and really good. And it's a beautiful setting!

1 comment:

  1. looks SO beautiful! It is fun seeing pictures of their trip
