Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Jelly Fish Attack AND Our Favorite Day in Langkawi

Sheraton Beach Resort.

This guy was perched on a big leaf about eye level to Brian and with a nice view of the kids playing in the pool. 

While we were swimming and on the pool deck we heard a huge smack. A snake dropped from the tree really over head. It must have been really high up. It was a bit stunned and then slithered off. There is a lot of wild life around. Lizards, snakes, monkeys (everywhere!) and even jelly fish!

Brock was standing in the ocean one afternoon not very deep at all and was stung on his feet by a jelly fish!

FYI: If you are ever stung by a jelly fish: 1. Do not itch it or put it in water (ocean, pool or otherwise). 2. Do not urinate on it. (Myth!) Water and pee just make the poisons spread. 3. Spray white vinegar on it to prevent the poison from spreading. It feels like it's on fire or in the oven but will go away if not itched or put in water in about 20 minutes. In about 2-3 hours it's fine to swim again. But it may leave a red mark for a few days. Brock had an awesome battle wound for awhile. The hotel staff also put some cream on it. Benoval brand. Not sure what it was.

Needless to say, Brock had an epic story to tell all.

Dash was swimming and swimming and swimming! He did great!

Wow. Little brothers giving big brother a foot massage.

The Kebab House eating lamb kebabs and mashed potatoes.

The Malay women wear coverings over their heads. The cuisine in Malaysia is extraordinary-- as well as the unique blend of different peoples and cultures that live there. Indian, Malay, Chinese, Arab. It's the most culturally diverse place we've ever been too. And of course their are expats from all over living there. We didn't make it to Penang but it's infamous for it's cuisine and good food!

Monkey giving Dash the stare down. He saw his bottle of water and wanted it. They are buggers! And thieves. Starting our little hike up to the water fall.

Cliff jumpers. Callie's always the first.

This Seven Holes Waterfall was our favorite part of the trip. We found it on our last day. We saw it on the map but hadn't heard anything about it. We flew out late in the evening so we're all packed up and just thinking it would be a little hike. It was a very little hike. However! We weren't prepared for awesome water holes, cliff jumping, log jumping, rock slides and exploring! So Dash and Chael swam in their underwear. Callie and Brock swam in their clothes. And Brian and I watched and now know to wear suits next time!

Nothing like a nice belly flop.


So fun!!! We wished we'd found it days earlier.

Best day ever! We loved this place!

A bit tuckered out after a day of playing at the water fall! And really good Indian food. It never disappointed.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Christmas in Langkawi and Mongroves Tour

Pool time at Resort World Langkawi.

Dash learned how to swim this trip! He was doing so well! Good job, Dash!!! 

Christmas Morning!

Lego guys, t-shirts, hats and books. It was the simplest and best Christmas ever! We even happened upon a movie theater and watched The Hobbit--they loved it. The big deal Christmas gift was the trip itself. Thank you, Daddy! And Santa!

Waiting for our ride to do the Mongroves Tour.

We did the Mongroves tour and there were 12 boats and one guide. I guess the others couldn't make it that day! But fortunately the guide was in our boat and we learned some cool things. These Mongrove trees are the reason why this island and inhabitants did not suffer from the tsunami in 2004. The roots somehow get oxygen from the water and grow close to the surface- lots of roots. We stopped at four different places on our tour.  

Callie's new friend.

Monkeys are on both sides of this waterway. They are very territorial and don't mix with other groups. This one came up and Callie fed him. He ate it and then grabbed what was left in her hand. Guess he liked it. This was one of the kids' favorite parts! But monkeys are really quite pesky and destructive. 

We saw Eagles at a place where they feed them. They threw chicken feed into the water.  They can't do it too often of course because the eagles need to keep up their survival skills.

The fish farm. Sting rays, tuna and more. We also had a nice little lunch here which was included.

A stop at the beach to play. 

This was the fossil place but we didn't really see anything that looked like a fossil. ?

Ocean water comes in as the tide gets higher and it's a tranquil and quiet little cove.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Langkawi Sky cab and the Berjaya Resort

Langkawi Sky Cab.

We flew to Langkawi, Malaysia on the evening of the 21st and stayed at the Berjaya Resort for two nights. It's close to the sky cab and oriental village, on the beach and against a tropical forrest. 

The Berjaya room we stayed in.


Be Merry! Homemade Christmas Gifts and Crafts

Be merry! We made these burlap banners--Dec. 3rd--a great way to start the December month! Thank you Pinterest for the idea. We had a good time! Me, Neha, Natalie Foxwell, Natalie Manning, Christy, Becca, Dawn, Susan, Lisa, Rubina and Yanti. My ladies/partners in crime.

Some cute gifts for my gals! Merry Kissmas! xx! And what woman wouldn't like Mac Superwoman lipstick or Chanel lipstick? Yes please! 

I made these "wrapping paper" gifts. Ribbon, tape and sheets of wrapping paper. Callie was like, "Wait, what? Your wrapping wrapping paper?" It's practical but cool right? It's actually hard to find here in China. 
For teachers: "Since school started you've been teaching, barely sleeping, hardly stopping. Now its late, you're in a scrape, out of paper or out of tape. Hope this wrap helps save the day! Have a Happy Holiday!"
For friends: "Since November you've been busy, barely sleeping, hardly stopping. Now its late, you're in a scrape, out of paper or out of tape. Hope this wrap helps save the day! Have a Happy Holiday!"

I made some cinnamon candied almonds. But they just didn't turn out. The recipe called for butter but they were just too oily. And so I botched like 9 cups of almonds!

So I came up with these beauties. Homemade Rockyroad. Cinnamon candied almonds, roasted peanuts, pieces of marshmallows and dark chocolate. I added peppermint to the chocolate for some of them. YUM! I put them in mini cupcake papers and in clear plastic containers. I made these cute burlap ornaments with felt trees too. Tied them on with ribbon. And viola! Merry Christmas!

A farewell gift to a good friend, Jerry Joseph. I took this picture about a year ago and it's Hangzhou-esque. It was taken near the Xanadu Crown Plaza in Xiao Shan. Jerry was a huge part of our community at the Hangzhou International School and just a good friend to me and my family. He's also from Newport, CA so we are bros. We had a little farewell get together for him. I can't remember what exactly I said but I meant every word. I and many appreciate him opening up his home to my family and teaching my children how to skateboard and doing so much at the school for our children. Love you Jerry!

Jerry and the ladies.

These were SO good! I just frosted them instead of rolling them in sugar. Seriously- amazingly yummy!

Soft Sugar Cookies


2/3 cup shortening
2/3 cup butte
1 1/2 cups white sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup granulated sugar for decoration

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
  2. In a medium bowl, cream together the butter, shortening and sugar. Stir in the eggs and vanilla. Combine the flour, baking powder and salt, stir into the creamed mixture until dough comes together. Roll dough into walnut sized balls and roll the balls in sugar. Place them on an unprepared cookie sheet about 2 inches apart.
  3. Bake cookies 10 to 12 minutes in the preheated oven, until bottom is light brown. Remove from baking sheets to cool on wire racks.