Thursday, August 11, 2016

Herringbone Canvas and Acrylic Art

We had fun making these works of art. The kids helped paint the background and apply the painter's tape after the paint dried. This was the first one we made and it was for our friends who just moved into a new apartment. Their kids were over that day and were able to help make it. It was easy to make an a day! Acrylic is great for fast drying.

After the painter's tape was applied I painted the silver or gold depending on color choice. After that layer of paint dried we pulled off the tape and felt really proud of ourselves! We loved the finished product. And the silver or gold frames put the finishing touch on them. Great family art project! 

It's so awesome having a fantastic frame shop in Hangzhou right down the street from me. We can order our canvases on the cheap and get things framed for a crazy good deal. LOVE my frame shop! A darling Chinese family runs it and they are so great. 

I think this bluesy one turned out great! I asked my friend what her favorite colors were and viola! I tried to do a little bit of some warm and cool contrast in it. Fortunately she loves it and hangs it up in her family room.

Lorna and her sons, Ashton and Gavin made a really cool one.

This has been framed since this picture and is being displayed in our home. But we want to give it to a really dear friend. She wanted one and I think she'll love it. With the sleek matte gold frame and better lighting it looks really good.

Stephanie and her kids came over another day and made their fantastic piece. I love the size too.

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