Sunday, February 7, 2016

Zumba action with the Brutez Brothers! Shanghai September 2015

The Brutez Brothers from LA. Rukus and Fever. 

These guys are hard core and I've never had more fun in a workout class before! It was 100% fitness and 100% dance. Intense and the way I like it. The ultimate dance fitness experience. So fun!

Sarah's greece left on the floor!

Sick! That's my sweat puddle from the Brutez Brother's Master Zumba class. Feel free to be disgusted. I sweat like.... crazy. Get greecy!

Julie Wardle, my Zumba mentor, bottom row and second from the right.

Julie Wardle and her family have lived in China even longer than we have! We go way back. I think they were here for about seven years when we first arrived to Shanghai--over 13 years ago! She is an amazing woman and an inspiration on so many levels. I'll just mention her story in terms of getting fit. She started doing Zumba and she will tell you that it saved her. It was what kept her going at a really dark time in her life and she did it for herself. With encouragement from her mentor, she got certified to teach and continued on her path of getting healthy. She has lost 50 pounds! and feels amazing! She teaches sometimes 10 classes each week and is a rock star. She planted the idea in my head to become an instructor. I had a slight foot injury and needed to get creative about working out. I needed to stop running which is what I did half the week at the time. It was on an whim that I just went for it and decided to get certified and become a teacher. I had little experience doing Zumba but I love fitness. I love dance. And I felt it was time for me to get out of my work out "comfort zone" and invite others to party with me and get fit. 

FIBO conference in Shanghai. Piloxing intro.

We tried out a Piloxing class with Julie's Zumba mentor who now teaches piloxing and lives in Hong Kong. It was great. They wanted me to sign up (along with everyone else) but I will have to build my Zumba clientele before I jump into that one. We have a smaller international community than Shanghai by far. But I love all forms of work out and was happy to try it out.

My first Piloxing class!

FIBO Fitness Conference. September 16th, 2015

Stage one of hair cut. Hair dresser: self.

I cut my own hair! Just don't have any great options here. And I had an idea of what I wanted. I aslo watch youtube how to's! 

Stage two of hair cut. Added layers and texture. 

Going for a messy bob. Not sure I recommend cutting your own hair. But it was cheaper and I can't see the back well to tell how bad it is. So! Works for now.

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