Sunday, February 7, 2016

Book Release Party for Susan!

Colby made her incredible cake! Owner and founder of Kiwi Cakes in Hangzhou China. Which has been sold as she has moved overseas. :(

Our talented and amazing friend, Susan Poon, AKA Randa Flannery by pen name) has released another book and it's witty, fun and a great read! Love the One Your Witch. Highly recommend! We had a fabulous Book Release party for her with dry ice and Goblin goodies and snacks. 

I even put up outdoor lights! Not shown. It took me a few hours but it was pretty cool. 

Our little witches and wolves. Noe, Olly, Addie, Mali, friend, Chael and Dash

Colby, Susan- Lady of the hour and Indy
She does have red hair. I was something of an inspiration... :O

 I love that Brian is photo bombing this pic! 

Well done Susan! I have loved everything she has written and published and look forward to more!

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