Saturday, November 15, 2014

Halloween in Hangzhou

We ended up having a super heros theme-- plus a mummy. The boys tell me that Cat Woman is not a super hero. But I kind of think Batman has a thing for her and somehow I talked Brian into being Batman! So... I had to be cat woman. Callie wanted to me a mummy! Brian brought home some linen and we made strips, used a hot glue gun and viola! We thought it turned out great. 

Costume parade at H.I.S. Most of Callie's class! And some bogies. 

These 5th-Graders won the costume competition. I heard the judges appreciated their "gangnam" dance. Callie also won the scary story competition and that was announced at the assembly that morning. She was so excited. It's a great story and she was really proud of her work. 

Callie doing the "Mummy Dance".

Halloween party at the church! Thanks to Anton and Colby Osborne for pulling together a sweet Halloween party. Games, trick or treating, pizza and best of all... a DISCO party! 

Batman and Po Po have moves!

Soda cozies? Made these out of felt to cover soda bottles for our ring toss game! Even saving them for next year. 

Aww. Family pic. Brock and Dash didn't last in their costumes. haha.


Brian's brother called some of the pictures of Brian in his Batman costume bribery pictures! I'm just so proud of him! I thought it would be pretty awesome for him to dress up as Batman. I bought it off of taobao. I can't believe I got away with this one and he went along with it! Go Batman! And our awesome super heroes. My boys still insist I'm not on the Avengers team! Next year. Maybe I should have been Penny and Brian- Iron Man? 

Ideas for next year: Vegetables. Callie- cauliflower, Brock- broccoli, Dash- Radash, Chael- Kael, Sarah- aSaragus, Brian- ? the farmer?. We could be the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles, April Oneill and the camera man. Or we could be G.I. Joe guys. Other ideas welcome!

He wears this everyday!

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