Thursday, May 8, 2014

Talent Show, China's National Day and Trip to Shanghai

Vanessa, Sarah, Frances, Yanti, Jerry and Miranna--PAFA Style! (Karmen and Marja not in photo.)

H.I.S.' Talent Show had a special surprise performance at the end. We represented PAFA (Parents And Friends and Associates) and did a little dance to Ray Charles' "Shake Your Tell Feather" and Jerry and Rob were the Blues Brothers. These gals I danced with are so much fun and we had a great time working (dancing!) together. This was all Jerry's idea... I was there to support. We had a good time shaking our tail feathers!

Jerry and Rob: Blues Brothers!

People asked me if my children were in the talent show. Nope! (Just me! haha. But that was a surprise...) They are a bit stage shy but do perform on the field and court. Next year we have ideas for the children to do the song, "Everything is Awesome" from the Lego Movie. And they would be dressed up like lego guys! 

Street food for dinner with friends.

After the talent show we met up with friends, the Williams', Goh's and the Sheffield's, for some street food across the street. No school the next day (Thursday) for China's National Day! So it was like having two Friday nights that week. 

Brian and Sarah with Frank Sun

Frank is our friend who we got to know well when we lived in Shanghai. He was one of the first Chinese Nationalists called to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (AKA- Mormon church). Elder Sun was the second one to receive a mission call and the first one in the field! He went to the local Chinese branch when we first moved to Shanghai. At that time the expat branch was able to have church activities with the local members. We got to know Frank well and it was a fun reunion to see him again. We met him about 12 years ago. Frank served his mission in Australia, went to BYU-Hawaii and Buffalo, NY for school and he's now living in China again working for the church in Shen Zhen. Love you, Frank!

Susan, Kristy and Sarah at Yu Yuan Gardens.

We had a District Women’s Conference in Shanghai on Saturday, May 3rd. I needed to go into Shanghai to get things for family in the States so I went a day early with Kristy and we stayed the night at Jeannie Griffiths. May 1st was Chinese National Day. We took the train in on Friday morning and met up with Susan at Carl's Jr.! They definitely have the best shakes in China. It was 10 something in the morning. But that chocolate shake was so good!

Our shopping spree took us first to the knock off market on 588 Nanjing Xi Rd. We grabbed a delicious bite for lunch at the Wagas Bakery. Yummy. We then went to Yu Yuan Gardens for jewelry action. My jewelry gal moved there. We even made it to Ikea and then Element Fresh for dinner. Lafa Bread Salad with Miso Yogurt dressing, Grilled chicken and feta cheese... so good! I had a roller bag stuffed. But I still didn’t get all the ties I was planning to buy. The selection is mainly skinny ties now.  But we did well! 

1938 Lane House on Jiao Zhou Rd. We owned 100sqm on the top floor from 2004-2009 and lived there for three years before we rented it out and later sold it.

One of my favorite parts of my Shanghai trip was going running on Saturday morning. I was just two miles from where we use to live in the Jing An District. Brian and I had purchased our first piece of real estate, the top floor of an old lane house built in 1938 for nine British school teachers. We moved in just after Callie was born. 10 years ago! It was 100sqm and really charming. Hardwood floors and raw brick. It had a shared entrance and I was really hoping to see Da Mama and Da Baba who own a little smokes and drinks shop on the bottom floor and live on the second. We moved to Hangzhou when Callie was three and Brock was one month old. They use to spoil Callie and sit her up on a little chair on top of a big chair and feed her Chinese food like a queen. It's no wonder she use to prefer Chinese food to my cooking! I hope to see Da Mama and Da Baba again. They would get a kick out of seeing all the children. 

On this run I went ahead and did the five-mile loop I use to do when I lived on Jiao Zhou Road. It was so cool! Things have changed so much and I was really nostalgic seeing that part of Shanghai. We usually don’t stay anywhere near there when we do visit so this was a unique visit. 

This is very unique architecture to Shanghai. Old homes. They are being torn down and replaced with new complexes and sky rises. But there's still little pockets in the Jing An District of these very Shanghainese homes. I love these olds streets.

This is a Chinese Muslim Mosque. It's the only one I've personally ever seen in Shanghai or anywhere in China. There are a lot of Muslim Chinese people from Xin Zhang who come to the big cities for work. And they have a great cuisine. 

When I use to live in this area, I would go rummaging in these places that were being torn down. We'd find some cool stuff that people didn't want. Total junk but cool to us. Trunks, ladders, ceramic pots, chairs and cabinets. But this is what it looks like when it's being torn down.

The hat rickshaw. 

"Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do with out." Amen!--to my Shanghai brothers and sisters.

Nine miles later I made it back to Jeannie's house. Wow, is she an awesome host! Waffles and cinnamon/fruit syrup, grapefruit juice, oatmeal with fruit and cinnamon. Delicious. I learned a few tricks for future hosting. (Not that I have a waffle maker. But leaving a toaster out with the already made waffles and then people can toast themselves to reheat. Brilliant!) One of the high lights for me was leaving a few minutes early on Saturday morning so she could give us a tour of the French Concession. She is a Shanghai history buff and it was a really special treat to have a personal tour from her. So fun! 

Robert, her husband is the Consul General and they are finishing their three years in Shanghai in a few weeks. They've spent many years in China and Asia. I wish I took a picture of them. 

Some Chinese PJ's for the boys! Something I bought for them in Shanghai. They love them!

Love you too, Spidey!
Getting to church by foot and scooter. In the rain! Brian had to meet a client that day. 

Michael Kusugak, a real eskimo!

Michael and his wife Geraldine came to H.I.S. and shared with us the traditional way of life in Canada's Arctic . He's a children's-book author and a wonderful story teller! He lived in igloos as a boy! Fascinating life and story. And I would love to procure some of his books. 

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