Sunday, November 29, 2015

California Fun and the Biery Ranch in June 2015

Darice, Andy, Sarah, Amy, Kim and Paige.

Some of the ol' gang! Go Socal. Love these girls. It was so great to catch up with these gals! We met up at Don Jose's in Tustin, CA! They are so cute and such amazing women. What a special treat to see them! We flew into LAX the night before. My parents were there to pick the kids and I up and we drove to Tustin the next morning to meet up with friends. My sisters Kathe and Charlotte came. And my niece, Hannah. Darice's mom Karla came too. And we also got to see Eva! She use to live with us and helped my mom with child care. She's like family. I love them so much!!!

Dash, Shad, Grampy, Brock, Chael and Maggie at Carlsbad Beach.

King of the seaweed! My dad showed the kids how to eat seaweed. He's hard core. Go grampy!
We love the beach and beach days. My dad taught us that. I remember on Monday afternoons packing up the car with wood for a bonfire, hot dogs, lemonade, chips etc. We would drive to Corona Del Mar and have a bonfire and go swimming for family home evening. I love for the beach is in my blood. I'm happy my children can get some Cali beach love in. 

We got to play with the Holdaways! Aunt Michelle and Uncle Paul. Liza, Emma, Sadie, Shad and Maggie. We had SOOOO much fun staying with them. I absolutely love them and the kids had a blast. We even got to go to Legoland for free with their connections!

FHE with Michelle's ward at Carlsbad Beach.

Legoland! Carlsbad, CA.

Our 1998 Toyota Sienna with 255,000 miles on it died in Ritchfield, UT on our drive from San Diego to my parents house in Fairview, UT. Crazy! 

After coasting for a minute I pulled over. We were so blessed. Extraordinary things happen to me us all the time. We were stranded for 10 minutes when our angel, Roy Meyers, walked up and started helping us. The alternator broke. We bought a new battery which would get us home but we wouldn't be able to use the head lights. Roy drove in front of us and lit the way for us. Two hours! Callie and Brock rode with him in his big truck. He delivers truck and auto parts for work. They had a blast and will never forget him. He really made an impression and had them laughing the whole time. After getting home Roy still had a two-hour drive to get home which would put him in around 1am. What a stud. We are so grateful to him. He said he had plans to go to a certain area that day but felt like he should go to another place instead. There was no reason for it but he did it. It put him home at the exact time we came rolling to a stop on the side of the road. Just as he was about to pull into his street he saw us. Parked the truck and ran up to help us. Because he listened to those promptings, our prayers were heard and answered that day. We prayed that we would be able to make it home safely. I know we would have eventually gotten home but the Lord saw fit to help us get home that day. It was important for my dad too who's getting older. :) He's 89 and traveling is getting harder for him. I know our prayers are so often answered through other people. We can be the answer to people's prayers as we act on the promptings of the spirit and reach out to rescue. We all have need of being rescued. And we all need to be looking for opportunities to reach out and rescue. In the mean time, we will never forget Roy Meyers and all that he did for us. 

Bro. Meyers, our hero and angle. 

Don Biery has 80 chicks that are quickly becoming chickens! He made chicken tractors and the kids helped him make one too. I think there's 3 or 4 of them now. 

On the four wheeler at Grammy's!

 Lan and Mark Syphus, Blake and McKelle Boyer (Jovi and Stella plus one on the way), Katie and Mike Holmes (Sariah, Erica, Louisa and baby boy), Wendy and Keith Wilson (Tyler).  

Wow! The original members of the Hangzhou Group! What a reunion! Plus a few new additions. So much fun. And the party didn't stop there. We went to Keith and Wendy's place for a BBQ. Volleyball, trampoline, kids pool, fireworks. 

Chael. Not sure what we call this piece of art work.

Dear me. He fell asleep in the car on the way to Grammy's house from town. When I went to get him out that's how I found him. A little colorful. He knows he's suppose to draw on paper....

Brian bought these off of my brother Dan who had bought them off of my parents. Two of them. Took them up to the Lodge in Idaho!

The kids love Grammy and Grampy and being on the "Beiry ranch". I love being with my family and parents too.

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