Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Child-Tested and Approved, Uber-Yummy and Healthy Recipes!

Say What?! An even healthier fresh salsa? Yes! This was DE-LISH-US! You could just eat it by itself with a spoon it's so good. And super rich in antioxidants and packed with nutrition. Try it for yourselves!

Fresh Salsa with Cucumber, Red Cabbage and Sprouted Alfalfa Seeds
3 Tomatoes, chopped
1 Cucumber, peeled and chopped
1/2 Onion, chopped
1/8 head of Red Cabbage, chopped
Sprouted Alfalfa seeds
Cilantro, chopped
Juice of 2 lemons
Garlic Salt to taste
Jalapeno or something for a kick. I didn’t have a hot pepper on hand so added Jalapeno juice from canned jalapenos. 

You won't be able to let it sit and marinate for a few hours before you eat it so beware. But it's of course even better the next day. 

Wholegrain Pasta with a Creamy Veggie Sauce

I love getting as much veggies into my diet as possible and love veggies prepared in all sorts of ways. But lets face it. It's not the most appetizing food to little ones for some reason. So this pasta sauce is a GOOD ONE! It was loved by the whole family, even my 22-month old. And I'm pretty sure no one knew they were eating eggplant and zucchini. Pureed veggies in sauces! I'm all about it. 

This pasta sauce used 5 cloves garlic, one eggplant,  one zucchini. 1/4 cup butter or oil. 1/3 cup wheat flour. Slab of cream cheese. Salt, pepper and maybe garlic salt. And parmesan.  Here in china zucchini is a very pale green color. If using the dark green kind then you may want to peel it so your kids won't say "ew" because the sauce will be green if peel is left on. And peel the eggplant too. Chop in big pieces. Saute garlic in a Tablespoon of oil. (I just smash with flat part of blade before. Makes it easy to peel them too.) Add veggies and cook until soft. Add water while cooking and steam them a bit. 

While water is boiling to cook your preferred pasta, make a rue in another pan with the 1/4 butter or oil and flour. Add whole milk or water to make a little bit of a white sauce. Not too much because the pureed veggies will be used to make the sauce. 

Puree veggies and garlic. I just use a blender and add water (I use the water that's been cooking the wholegrain pasta...) and add to rue. Add cream cheese if wished or whole milk or just water. I'm really flexible in my kitchen as you can see.

Add salt and pepper to taste. And garlic salt. Garnish with parmesan. I still offer vegetables that look like vegetables! Made for nice garnish as well here for this pasta. And ta-dah! It's a creamy sauce that uses a little bit of whole milk and or cream cheese and a whole lot of veggie! 

Dash and Chael on exercise equipment down the street. And rocking their cool faux hawks too! Did I tell you my little ones loved this meal pictured above? Yay! Success! 


  1. So cute! Gee that equipment looks familiar, you'll have to come and have lunch next time!

  2. We would love to! We're good for playtime at the park and with you anytime!

  3. That looks really yummy. I will have to try it.
