Sunday, October 11, 2015

Callie Wrapping Up 5th Grade

Happy Birthday Mr. Cheevers!
Sophie, Kashvi, Coco, YuXing, Mohanad, Sarah, Mia, Dimple, Naina, Ben, Alan, Steven, Lakshaya

Callie went to Shanghai with her the 5th grade classes for the Science Symposium and Invention Convention. Super amazing overnighter field trip! The went to the Science and Technology Museum, had Papa John's pizza, spent the night at the Shanghai American School and had their convention the next day. She did a science experiment and used mice! Rio, Squirpy, Skeeter and Tim Tam. (The boys each got to name one too.) She did an experiment to see which diet was healthier: A plant-based diet or an animal-based diet. She made a mouse maze and also measured their strength by doing a "strength test." It was really exciting for the kids to have "pets"! But when the first one died there were a lot of tears! And there was a funeral. They were SO sad. Two more died two days later. And then there was RIO. He was on the plant-based diet. :) The plant-based mice were faster at getting through the maze and more energetic overall. And she got 2nd place! Go Callie! 

She really had a fantastic year. It's been so fun. She loves school and has had a brilliant teacher who is passionate about teaching and learning and has given her really great opportunities to push herself and take risks, make mistakes, learn lots and have a fun. She also received the Coaches award for swimming! She had a great time being on student council, playing soccer at lunch, reading loads of books, playing soccer after school once a week, swimming on the swim team, running in the running club for the last two months before the race, and even started babysitting. We couldn't send out verbage with our Christmas card this year because even a couple months into the year it just sounded like we would be bragging about how awesome our kids are! 

Going to school with peers from many different countries and from very different backgrounds is a unique experience that children have at international schools overseas. I'm not sure how to compare her experience here with what it would be like living in the States. But we are grateful for such a happy and delightful girl! 

1st place female runners!

Callie won 1st place for her age group. And me too. Go Phillips girls!!! We ran the Dragon Run 5K race organized by H.I.S. It's a fun family day with bouncy castles, slip n slide, table sales, BBQ and more. Pure sweat. 

Tea Village Restaurant lunch date with Tali, Lisa, Miranda, Neha, Xiao Yang, Barbara, Nat and me.

Mommy lunch date with friends. Saying good bye to most of these fun outings as I'll be homeschooling. Love you ladies! Don't forget me! xx

Brock Wrapping up 2nd Grade

Nerd Day at school! 

Callie and Brock had "Nerd Day" at school. I think it's super fun. Dash and Chael wanted to dress up too. This was a dress rehearsal the night before. Notice Brock's floods. 

Happy Birthday Ms. Julie!

After school soccer with coaches Trevor Lamb, Michael and Felix Jones. 

Saturday IFC with coaches Karl McEarlin and Alvaro who's missing. These dads volunteer on Saturdays to get the kids together and play some "football"! 

After practice dog pile.

Pin the Beard on the teacher game.

Brock and Ms. Julie.

It was a great year and we appreciate Brock's amazing teacher so much. Brock gave her a special gift at the class party and thanked her. It's a "J" crayon monagram and says J " for Ms. Julie, a very special teacher." Got the idea from Pinterest. :) She's a loving, caring and passionate teacher who is on it and loves what she does. We made it through 2nd grade! Way to go Brock!